You searched for: “god
God, gods, or deities and the terms that include such theological concepts

There are many words that refer to theology, or the study of God or deities known as gods.

Learn more about these various religious terms as indicated at the link just presented and use the links at the bottom of each page to see many additional religious terms and references in their related word groups which will expand your theological vocabulary.

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
This entry is located in the following unit: Log or Blog of Words in the News and from Other Media Sources (page 4)
Word Entries containing the term: “god
Aesculepius, god of medicine

Have you heard of the man, then god, Aesculepius, Asculapius (Latin); or Asclepius, Asklepios (Greek)?

This story about a medical man from classical times and the currently used emblem for medicine is something everyone should know and it will be easy to learn about them by connecting to and reading the contents of the Aesculepius link shown above.

There was a time when an apple a day kept the doctor away, but now it's malpractice insurance.

-Laurence J. Peter
This entry is located in the following unit: Log or Blog of Words in the News and from Other Media Sources (page 1)