Vocabulary Quzzes
(varieties of challenging English vocabulary quizzes are available to develop brain gains and to diminish brain drains)
Special enhancements of three kinds of word quizzes
Recently, within the last few days, what may be the final improvements to the three types of English-vocabulary quizzes has been accomplished.
- Image Quizzes, with the ability to not only get a running score as you participate, but also to determine which level of difficulty you prefer.
- Category Quizzes, where the quizzes are in "word families" or with content that is similar or the same.
- Random Quizzes include a mixed up content of questions including all of the questions that are located in the "Categorizing Quizzes".
This also allows you to do certain groups, quit, and if you remember where you left off (for example, level 3) then the next time you return, you may start with level 4, or choose which level you want to work with, and not be required to start over from the beginning of the quiz list again and again each time you return.
As you choose a category, "air", for example; then you will also be able to choose certain word groups, or families, which are directly related to "air".
Currently there are 100 levels of difficulty which you may change to if you find the questions "too easy", or "too difficult".
Again, as with the image quizzes, if you take a certain number of difficulty levels and want to continue with the next levels, just make a note of which level you stopped on (level 6, for example) and the next time you start the quiz, you may start with the next level; such as, level 7.
There are also links on each page of every quiz that will allow you to choose one of the other quizzes and there is a link to a Scoreboard which can be used to see the percentage scores for each quiz that you take.