Words for a Modern Age

(English-Latin-Greek Cross References)

English modern words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes.

If you really want to have a much better understanding of some well-known words that you think you know and some important, but not so commonly known words, take the time to read and to experience the wonder of each of the words shown in the lists below.

Something old; something new;
Something borrowed; something true.

We live in an age of constant oral and written expressions. In a time when our knowledge is increasing with breathless speed, particularly in specialized areas, it is important that we understand each other by having a better comprehension of some “old” words, “new” words, most of which are “borrowed” but always with every possible effort to present the “true” origins and current usages of those words. This is what Words for Our Modern Age is all about.

English modern words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes An index of word units.

Anesthesia and related English words for a Modern Age Feeling no pain.

Arena, a sandy English word for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Blood, sweat, and cheers.

English modern word biometrics for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Security checks using body parts.

The blog, a new way of writing on the Internet. The blog, another format on the Web.

Excessive smoking English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes I’ve just got to have another cigarette!

Capnophobia and related English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Smoke, smoke yourself to death!

English dictionaries and words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Origins and kinds.

Dinosaurs and lizards in paleontology The times of their lives.

Dismal, its historical origins as an English word for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Unlucky days bring on depressions.

Filibuster and it piracy relations as an English word for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes From pirates to politicians.

Internet Service Provider or ISP The doorway to the Internet!

Kleptomania, a word about stealing which is a part of modern English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Take it and repent later.

Malaria and its relation to bad air in English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Bad air and mosquitoes.

Mosquito and mosquitoes are pests that are explained in English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes A bloody gender focus: I got her!

Planets of the univers as part of English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Solar system myths and attributes.

Polygamy is just another word in modern English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Too much of a good thing?

English modern words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Automation and humanoids.

The word sandwich is part of English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Quick snack and devil worship.

Scribe is now a part of Modern English words, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes The communicator, then and now.

Foot and a half long English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Words beyond understanding.

English words for a Modern Age; such as, triboloty, and othe English vocabulary words from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Controlling the affliction of friction.

Achilles from Greek to English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes One heel of a man.

Auspicious and inauspicious English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Good omen, bad omen.

Bankrkupt one of the English words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Break that bench!

Bariatrics is another English modern word for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Weight WILL be reduced!

Another English modern word of berserk for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes The bear warriors.

English modern words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Love those books.

English modern words about calendars in the Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Origins of week-day and month names.

English modern words for a Modern Age, especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Lies spoken above about who lies below.

English modern words in ergo- or An excessive activity.

The jet or Thrust and propulsion.

English modern words dealing with Slips of the tongue; AKA bloopers.

English modern words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Memorizing techniques that work.

Narcolepsy or the Uncontrollable sleep anytime, anywhere.

English words especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes about fat or over weight Over weight and over burdened.

English words abouy Portanteau backward words from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Blends of combinations.

Modern English words including Salactites, stalagmites, and stalacto-stalagmites plus other English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Spelunkers’ see the points.

English word about steganography especially English vocabulary from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes A secret in time saves time.

Symbiosis is another English word from Latin Greek word origins or etymologies from word sources; prefixes, roots, suffixes Co-operative synergies.